Diskusi babagan Kahanan Peralatan Extruder kanggo Pipa PP-R


PP-R pipe extruded dening extruder, kang digunakake digunakake saiki. operator lapangan lan teknisi kudu ngerti kahanan peralatan ngecor tartamtu. Teknologi Ningbo Fangli Co., Ltd. minangka produsen mesin lan peralatan set plastik lengkap peralatan extrusion lan pangayoman lingkungan anyar lan peralatan materi anyar meh 30 taun. Kene kita wis nyiapake sawetara kahanan peralatan ngecor kanggo peralatan extruder sampeyan, kaya ing ngisor iki:


Ing rute proses extrusion saka pipa iki padha karo sing biasa pipe polypropylene, kang adopts single screw universal extruder. Nanging, amarga kanggo konduktivitas termal kurang, bobot molekul dhuwur lan tingkat aliran leleh kurang saka resin polipropilena kopolimer acak, yaiku, viskositas leleh dhuwur, iku perlu liyane panas saka kristal kanggo negara elastis dhuwur lan banjur nyawiji viscous negara aliran ing proses extrusion, kang tegese nganggo daya liyane; Ing proses transformasi saka wangun bahan mentahan wis sawetara syarat khusus kanggo struktur saka peralatan.


Ing struktur meneng saka extruder plastik, struktur meneng punika Jarak witjaksono lan ambane beda-beda, kanthi rasio dawa nganti diameter luwih saka 30:1. We umume nggunakake 36:1. Bagian homogenisasi saka sekrup extruder diwenehake karo bagean nyawiji alangi; awak meneng wis bolongan tengah, kang bisa digunakake karo banyu cooling kanggo ngontrol suhu apa meneng gampang. Sampeyan perlu kanggo mesthekake yen bahan mentahan ing bagean feed bisa lancar di-push maju dening meneng.


The barrel structure of the extruder equipment for producing this kind of pipe needs some certain special requirements. The difference between the barrel inner hole working face and the ordinary barrel inner hole working face is that there are longitudinal grooves evenly distributed on the circumference at the feeding section, which are used to increase the friction between the thick material and the barrel inner surface, and improve the forward conveying capacity of the raw material after entering the barrel. Generally, the depth of the longitudinal groove is 1 ~ 3mm, and the length is about 3 ~ 4 times of the inner diameter of the barrel.

Ing ndhuwur iku bab kahanan peralatan produksi pipa PP-R, ngarep-arep kanggo nyedhiyani sampeyan karo sawetara bantuan. Yen perlu, welcome kanggo hubungi kita.


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