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Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd.

Ningbo Fangi Technology Co., Ltd. being a high-tech enterprise specialized in the R&D, production and sales of complete sets of extrusion equipment and new environmental protection and new material equipment. Now the main products are solid wall pipe extrusion line, structured wall pipe extrusion line, special use pipe extrusion line. Fangli Technology has a history of nearly 30 years digging in the plastic extrusion industry. At the beginning of the company’s establishment, it has developed various types of extrusion equipment according to local conditions by introducing advanced technologies from Germany and combining with domestic and foreign market demands, and has accumulated profound technical experience in the field of extrusion equipment. In the meantime, Fangli Technology has set up offices and service centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Southeast Asia, Russia, Canada, the United States, Australia and other regions and countries for many years.

Enquiry Kanggo Price List

Kanggo pitakon babagan garis ekstrusi pipa tembok sing padhet, garis ekstrusi pipa tembok terstruktur, produk garis ekstrusi pipa khusus utawa dhaptar rega, aja lali ninggalake email sampeyan. Lan kita bakal ngubungi sampeyan sajrone 24 jam.

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