Wire Steel Wound Reinforced PE Composite Pipe Extrusion Line


Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. minangka pabrikan peralatan mekanik kanthi pengalaman suwene 30 taun peralatan ekstrusi pipa plastik, perlindungan lingkungan anyar lan peralatan bahan anyar. Wiwit didegake Fangli dikembangake adhedhasar panjaluk pangguna. Liwat perbaikan terus-terusan, R&D independen ing teknologi inti lan pencernaan & penyerapan teknologi canggih lan cara liya, kita wyaikunggawe garyaikuekstrusi pipa PVC, garyaikuekstrusi pipa PP-R, saluran ekstrusi pipa air / pipa gas, sing disaranake dening Menteri Konstruksi Cina kanggo ngganti produk impor. Kita wyaikuentuk judhul â Brand Kelas Pertama ing Provinsi Zhejiangâ €.


Ing kene kitad kaya ngenalake sampeyan proses anyar kawat baja sing nguatake garyaikuekstrusi pipa komposit PE.


WajaPipa Komposit Plastik Wound Welding Wire yaikua kind of steel wire winding reinforced plastic pipa material, comprise high density polyethylene (HDPE) internal layer, outside described high density polyethylene (HDPE) internal layer, it yaikuouter that from-inner-to-outer yaikucoated with strengthen unit, the netted winding layer of steel wire and high density polyethylene (HDPE) successively.


Kombinasi baja kekuatan lan plastik PE dhuwur nggunakake kaluwihan fisik, kimia lan mekanik saka baja lan plastik, lan saling nglengkapi kinerja, mbentuk jinis pipa ijo anyar kanthi kaluwihan pipa baja lan pipa PE . Nalika njaga pipa PE tetep resik, sanitary, bebas karat lan fleksibel, uga nduweni ciri resistensi tekanan pipa baja sing dhuwur.


When the pipa has the same caliber and the same flow rate, the water and electricity consumption yaikureduced by more than 30% compared with ordinary PE plastic pipas. It yaikuan ideal energy-saving and emission-reduction product. Especially for irrigation, agriculture and efficient water-saving irrigation, rural drinking water supply, municipal water supply and drainage and mining, oil and other water projects.


In recent years, as the demand for pressure pipalines such as long-distance pipalines and urban gas pipalines has increased significantly, a new kind of steel-plastic composite pipa-polyethylene steel wire skeleton reinforced plastic composite pipa has emerged as the times require, which yaikuordinary plastic pipa. Or metal pipas are ideal substitute products, which have application prospects in oil and gas fields, power engineering, chemical industry, water supply and drainage and other fields.



1.Ekstrusi:Seri FLSJ-G efisiensi Tinggi Screw Extruderkanggo extruding pipo PE internal

1.Sizing: The pipas coming out from the extruder yaikucooled in the sizing operation. There are

pokoke rong jinis ukuran digunakake kanggo nggawe pipa. Yaiku (i) Ukuran tekanan & (ii)

Ukuran vakum.

2. Cooling:Tangki adhem semprotan

3. Waja Wire Winding;

4. Ekstrusi: Extruder Screw Tunggal efisiensi tinggilan die-head kanggo extruding lapisan njaba

5.Cooling: nyemprot tank pendingin

6. Traction: The next operation needed after sizing yaikutraction. The pipa traction unit yaikurequired for continuous haulage of the pipas being extruded by the extruder.

7. nglereni:Planet Cutting Machine. There are basically two cutting techniques for pipas viz. manual and automatic.

8.Pencetakan laser;

9.Storage: pipa tipping table

Yen sampeyan butuh informasi luwih lengkap, Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. nampani sampeyan njaluk penyelidikan lengkap, kita bakal menehi saran teknis utawa saran pengadaan peralatan.

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