Kanthi ningkatake taraf urip masarakat lan nyepetake lakune urip, tembung "trep lan cepet" luwih maju. Banjur bangunan prefabrikasi kasebut jumeneng. Bangunan prefabrikasi kasebut duwe kaunggulan efisiensi instalasi sing dhuwur, keamanan dhuwur lan perlindungan lingkungan sing dhuwur. Supaya luwih nguntungake kaluwihan saka bangunan prefabrikasi, aplikasi PE-Xa sistem cepet lan gampang ing bangunan prefabrikasi mesthi nambah bobot sing trep lan cepet kanggo industri konstruksi.
Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. minangka pabrikan peralatan mekanik kanthi meh 30 taun’ pengalaman peralatan ekstrusi pipa plastik, perlindungan lingkungan anyar lan peralatan bahan anyar. Wiwit didegake Fangli dikembangake adhedhasar pangguna’s panjaluk. Liwat perbaikan terus-terusan, R&D independen ing teknologi inti lan pencernaan & penyerapan teknologi canggih lan cara liya, kita wis nggawe garis ekstrusi pipa PVC, garis ekstrusi pipa PP-R, saluran ekstrusi pipa air / pipa gas, sing disaranake dening Menteri Konstruksi Cina kanggo ngganti produk impor. Kita wis entuk judhul“Merek kelas siji ing Provinsi Zhejiang”.
Spamilihan sakaWaterSupplyPipes
With the improvement sakapeople's living standards, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, which makes people's requirements for waterquality continue to improve, and the quality sakawatersupplypipes is one sakathe key factors affecting waterquality.
The spamilihan sakawatersupplypipes depends on the hygienic performance sakathe products first. Watersupplypipes should first meet the health needs. The cleanliness sakawaterdoes not completely depend on the pollution sakawaterquality by the pipeline, but also depends on whether the pipeline can resist the infiltration sakaoxygen in the external air into the pipe wall. Wis ngerti tenanlong-term oxygen infiltration is easy to breed bacteria, scale and evergreen moss in the pipeline, thus polluting the waterquality. Therefore, attention should be paid to the hygienic performance sakapipes. The second is the safety and reliability sakathe product. At present, the common home decoration watersupplypipelines include PP-R pipe, aluminum plastic pipe, PB pipe, etc; the domestic waterpipeline ssistem widely used in European and American countries is the fast and easy ssistem sakaPE-Xa pipa. PE-Xa pipa nggunakake standar internasional, keamanan lan kesehatan, struktur teduh komposit, sing bisa ngalangi cahya lan nyuda bregas bakteri lan ganggang;tpipa duwe permeabilitas oksigene sithik, ora ana risiko pasang, korosi lan korosi, lan nolak kabeh korosi ion klorida ing banyu ngombe; PE-Xa pipa yaiku pipa termoset, lan bahan daur ulang ora bisa ditambahake kanggo njamin kualitas pipa.
Status sakaPredigawe-gaweanWaterSupplySsistem
At present, most sakathe pipelines sakathe building watersupplyssistem are concealed, and only a small part sakathem sing kapapar. Sawise pipa bocor utawa bursts, ora mung bakal nggawa ora genah lirompi, nanging uga nyusahake gaweyan pangopènan, saengga kesulitan kasebut ora bisa diatasi kanthi cepet lan terus mengaruhi lirompi. Therefore,the only way to improve the safety factor sakathe watersupplyssistem is to reduce the failure rate and improve the overall safety performance sakathe watersupplyssistem. Through the inrompitigation sakathe existing predigawe-gaweanproject design units, predigawe-gaweandecoration companies and predigawe-gaweancompleted projects, PPR pipes and fittings are mainly used in the predigawe-gaweanwatersupplyssistem, and the application sakaPPR pipes and fittings in the watersupplyssistem will bring potential safety hazards due to many connection points; the new parallel connection sakaPE-Xa’s fast and easy connection ssistem is laid independently by a single pipe, with bangetsawetara sendi lan aliran imbang nalika nyuda bebaya keamanan potensial.
Spamilihan sakaPE-Xa WaterSupplySsistem
PE-Xa pipe is peroxide crosslinked polyethylene pipe. The pipe itself is flexible and can be delivered by coil, and the use sakaelbow can be reduced in construction. Good elasticity is the unique characteristic sakaPE XA pipe, which can rebound to the original size after extension. This characteristic is cleverly used to connect the pipe and pipe fittings safely. Because sakathe unique elasticity sakathe pipe, it has good impact resistance to the waterhammer sakathe cold and hot waterssistem. PE-Xa pipa nduweni stabilitas jangka panjang sing apik lan ora kena karat oksigen kaya pipa logam; Dhiameter pipa ora bakal dikurangi amarga korosi utawa skala. PE-Xa pipes will not be affected by high-speed waterflow scouring (no more than 2.5m / s) or low pH value (corrosive water); At the same time, it is not affected by concrete, cement, lime mortar and gypsum. Pipes can be buried in soil, wall or cement mortar.
Yen sampeyan butuh informasi luwih lengkap, Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. nampani sampeyan kontak kanggo priksaan rinci, kita bakal menehi saran teknis utawa saran pengadaan peralatan.