Mesin Belling Pipa Produsen

China Solid Wall Pipe Extrusion Line, Structured Wall Pipe Extrusion Line, Special Use Pipe Extrusion Line manufacturers and suppliers - Fangli. We have attracted customers from all over the world with our high - quality products and thoughtful service.

Produk Panas

  • Double Wall Corrugated Pipe Extrusion Line

    Double Wall Corrugated Pipe Extrusion Line

    Double wall corrugated pipe extrusion line has high degree of automation, which can realize the stable and high efficient production of online socket flaring corrugated pipe, with various safety protection measures like outage protection and overload protection, and it is easy to use and maintain.
  • Pipa Bundel Komunikasi Serat Optik

    Pipa Bundel Komunikasi Serat Optik

    Pipa bundle komunikasi serat optik minangka jinis pipa komunikasi anyar, sing bisa digabungake miturut syarat pelanggan. Dibandhingake karo pipa inti silikon tradisional, nduweni kaluwihan biaya murah, keluwesan lan keamanan dhuwur.
  • Mesin Pemotong Pipa Beban Tanpa Chip

    Mesin Pemotong Pipa Beban Tanpa Chip

    Mesin pemotong pipa beban berat tanpa chip bisa ngethok pipa kanthi kekandelan tembok gedhe, lan irisan rata lan lancar, kanthi pemotongan bisu, stabil lan dipercaya. Operasi kasebut prasaja lan trep.
  • Peralatan Kain Leleh PP

    Peralatan Kain Leleh PP

    peralatan kain PP nyawiji-diunekake gumantung ing akeh taun desain pembangunan profesional lan pengalaman produksi, nggabungke karo dikarepake pasar, perusahaan kita wis kasil riset lan ngembangaken polypropylene leleh-diunekake line produksi nonwovens ambane gedhe. Baris produksi iki bisa nyadari 95+ lan ndhuwur standar miturut rencana konfigurasi beda, nyediakake solusi sistem baris produksi paling luweh.
  • Jalur Ekstrusi Pipa CPVC

    Jalur Ekstrusi Pipa CPVC

    CPVC pipe extrusion line adopts dirancang khusus meneng extrusion khusus, tong minyak, reducer, extrusion die, sizing lengen, etc., kang bisa njamin produksi pipe CPVC qualified ketemu syarat saka macem-macem standar nasional.
  • Mesin Fusion Butt

    Mesin Fusion Butt

    Mesin fusi butt digunakake ing lapangan industri lan bengkel kanggo ngelas pipa PP, PE lan / utawa fitting, lsp.

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